Tag: video

A jingle writer has done their job well if whenever you think of a particular brand their catchy tune immediately springs to mind. If you were brought up watching television or listening to the radio in Ontario, you’d be surprised to realize just how many of these jingles have become so ingrained in our memories!

The Alexanian jingle is one of those unique iconic jingles that everyone knows and loves. Without fail, every time we mentioned working on a new video with Alexanian, we’d hear “♪, ♫, ♪, ♫, ♪… Alexanians!” sung back to us right away.

Given the memorable status of their jingle, we decided to center our latest video project around it, playing on the heritage of the popular tune but re-vamping it to make it more fresh and modern for today’s digital world. Check out the video here at AlexanianTV!

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Last month, we talked about YouTube, the video decade, and why it was more important than ever for brands to be using video in their marketing campaigns.

Well, now that Google is expected to begin including video ads in its search results in 2016, businesses will see an even greater impact from their video efforts.Continue Reading..

Looking for tips on creating your own memorable Holiday campaign? It’s simple: Find what unites all families during the Holidays and create content they’ll want to share.Continue Reading..

Since ensuring your marketing campaign includes video content is more important than ever, we wanted to share three hot trends we’re seeing.

But first, some statistics to explain just how important video is for your marketing strategy:Continue Reading..

It only took about 30 years or so to get here.

I started selling television advertising at the age of 19 for Citytv. That experience has allowed me to keenly understand the undeniable power of sight, sound, colour and emotion.

Our sister company, Door Knocker Media, launched in September. They were making killer video content, but what does an advertiser do with this content once it’s developed? After exploring and learning everything digital for the past year — I even dreamed in digital — I decided I wanted to focus on one thing and do it really, really well. I quickly realized that my vast experience and knowledge has led me to this exciting time and place. I believe that advertisers want to reach consumers in new, engaging ways. Make emotional connections. Start conversations. Increase engagement.   Continue Reading..